Garlic is one of the most beneficial to human health spices, despite the strength of flavor and aroma unacceptable, doctors discovered that garlic cures many diseases and contend.

Find out what happens in your body when you eat garlic in the morning on an empty stomach.

- Reduces high blood pressure:

Garlic is the best natural remedy for high blood pressure because it helps to control blood pressure and improve blood flow.

- Anti-inflammatory:

Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties, making it ideal to relieve all kinds of pain especially arthritis.

- Fights infection:

Garlic believes protection of antimicrobial, antiseptic works naturally strong and stop spread of infectious diseases and the immune system get a boost up.

- Beneficial to lung health:

Garlic is a powerful remedy for respiratory diseases, struggling garlic tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis and colds.

 - Anti-cancer:

Garlic contains sulfur compounds that prevent the spread of new cancer cells, garlic infection of the stomach and colon cancer, prevent, breast, esophagus and lung cancer.

It is a shame that a man knows that there is one point in a woman's body, which raises sexual appetite and does not know where to fall. Here are four tips to find the G Spot and double orgasm for women.

1. We all know that the G Spot points a fact, not a myth is the most exciting point of the clitoris, the G spot is located in the vagina to a depth of between 1 and 4 cm and a strong jolt caused intercourse.

2. Man can be up to the G Spot as a simple penetration of a woman's vagina, is not required in this case to be a man's penis is too big to reach them are located at 3 cm from the vaginal opening.

3. penetration causes back and forth in friction with the G Spot. The best way to get to this point is through raising women's waist a little, it will help them to get a strong jolt intercourse and quickly.

4. Some men prefer to ignore the point of G Spot stimulation and other parts of the body, such as breasts or clitoris ... penetration nice to a woman's vagina with stimulating breast will give double the fun.

Sometimes women are fooled by the old myths about man's penis, most of them check his shoe size or the length of his nose to determine the length of the penis, things are not unfounded.

Here are the appropriate length of the penis in order to perfect the practice and satisfy the desires of the wife.

Dear women is not the size of the affair sexual pleasure versa whenever a large penis as increased pain during penetration and lose the sexual desire, the region that provokes desire, not far from the opening of the vagina.

But there are other things more exciting than the size of the penis, such as: caressing and hugging and licking women's sensitive areas, there are specific standards according to a study by researcher sexual Rocco Siffredi, the penis, which have a length of 15 cm is optimal for sex.

Pain is considered the head of the most widespread pain among people. Causes are several, and may be linked to the simple things and routine such as sleeping, eating, mental state and other .. As head pain may be associated with all diseases .. when a pain snap, patient run to take some chemical drugs to loss the pain, but he does not know, that he could get rid of this pain by putting some pressure on certain points in his body .

let's get to know them:

     1- Face: Click in the distance between the eyebrows for a minute at least to get rid of head pain. Repeat the process until his disappearance.

     2- Feet: Massage at the point that separates the great from the finger next to it, for a minute, and two feet at the same time. You can repeat the process until the disappearance of pain.

     3- If head pain out of the ordinary, and did not benefit him nor pressure medication, you are advised to consult a doctor who specializes in brain and nerves, especially if the pain is accompanied by dizziness, loss of consciousness, nausea and other symptoms are strong.

Although the general consensus is that people should drink between six to eight glasses of water per day, dietary requirements depend on an individual's body size and metabolic factors, such as the amount of daily exercise or exposure to the sun. Low water intake is defined by the U.S. CDC as less than 4 cups per day, and a study from last month found about half of America falls below this mark.

What does this mean for the average person, who might not be drinking enough water, but is far from being clinically dehydrated? Are there subtle effects on the body caused by low levels of water consumption?

A Lack Of Water Is A Lack Of Brain Power

Led by Dr. Caroline Edmonds, researchers in the UK recently conducted a study showing that even mild dehydration has a negative effect on the brain's performance. Drinking water, the researchers found, can improve the brain's ability to complete tasks that require a rapid response. In particular, the improvements were greatest among those who felt thirsty.

Thirty-four subjects were asked to abstain from food and drink for a night. Then they were tested with the CANTAB battery, a computer-based assessment that measures a variety of mental abilities, including verbal skills, visual acuity, and learning.

The researchers, who were led by Dr. Caroline Edmonds, found that providing a glass of water immediately before the participants took the exam boosted mental reflexes, specifically reaction time, by 14 percent. Subjects marked down how thirsty they were feeling on a scale from one to 10.

Reaction times ran 14 percent shorter after drinking water. People with the greater cravings experienced a bigger mental lift after being re-hydrated.

Unexpectedly, though, performance on another task dipped; the participants ability to complete a complex-rule-learning task became slightly worse after drinking water. The authors suggest the need for future research in order to determine why drinking water may be beneficial for some cognitive tasks yet not for others.

Drink More Water As You Age

Essential for survival throughout our lives, water balance in our bodies changes over time. The percentage of water compared to body mass may be as high as 75 percent in a newborn baby, but it progressively decreases over time to approximately 55 percent in someone who is elderly.

Thirst sensation also decreases with age, probably due to changes in the sensitivity of osmoreceptors. Osmoreceptors are cells that are sensitive to osmotic pressure, which reflects the concentration of solutes in the body, such as salt. This is why, in healthy people, the consumption of salt prompts a thirst response.

Due to normal changes associated with aging, the osmoreceptors of adults become less sensitive, and consequently they often do not recognize when they should drink more water. Thus, middle-aged adults need to become aware of their declining ability to feel thirst. It may be prudent to begin to teach yourself to drink regularly, even when not thirsty, beginning in early middle-age.  

Source: Edmonds CJ, Crombie R, Gardner MR. Subjective thirst moderates changes in speed of responding associated with water consumption. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2013.

Source : Medicaldaily
 *Yuusuf Warsame was visiting relatives with his mother, brother and sister

An eight-year-old boy has been killed after a grenade was thrown into a flat in the Swedish city of Gothenburg, police said.

Yuusuf Warsame from Birmingham in the UK was sleeping in the living room of the flat in the Biskopsgarten area, where he was visiting relatives.

Police said the "despicable" attack may have been linked to an underworld feud.

A man convicted over a fatal shooting in the area last year was registered as living at the address, police said.

"We'll have to see if the motive is linked to that. Our theory is that it may be," said police spokesperson Thomas Fuxborg, The Local reported.

*The flat was full of people at the time of the attack.

Yuusuf died of his injuries on the way to hospital. Mr Fuxborg said he was not a member of the family registered at the address.

The boy's mother, sister and brother were in the same room when the attack happened but sustained only minor injuries, a relative told the

Gangland feud

The fatal shooting in March 2015 was part of a vendetta within Gothenburg's Somali community, police said.

Men armed with automatic weapons burst into a Biskopsgarden pub, gunning down a man known to police and an innocent bystander in a spray of bullets.

Eight people were convicted earlier this month and handed sentences ranging from seven years to life in prison.

Local newspaper Goteborgs-Posten said the pub shooting was the culmination of violent incidents between rival drugs gangs.

Sweden generally has low crime rates but police have had difficulty addressing violence in poorer neighbourhoods in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo.

Over the course of the summer, cars have been set alight on an almost nightly basis in some neighbourhoods.

Source : Bbc