
most of us are looking for something that will bring us happiness , something big to give us statue , a job to be respected by it , having something few have it , …

these kind of idea are the one who stand in the way of our happiness, living day after day chasing what we think will bring us what we’re missing or try to be with it happy.

well this kind of thinking is wrong; to be happy, start with accepting who you’re face it change what you want to change then you will feel good by it, every single human when he achieve something automatically he will feel happy, why? It’s our nature this is how we work … some will say when you achieve a bigger goal it’s the same, but this goal will last forever not for a few day enjoying what we just get “new car, bigger house, getting promoted, …”.
and we need to learn how to slow down and enjoy the small things like helping others, having a kid smiling at you, getting hugged by our love ones, … 
when you will be able satisfied about your self, trust me you will enjoy the rest even more.

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