
Lot of people asking about the meaning of friendship or what's about (some people thing its a relation where you have to use that person --') … some they had friends then they left them or
betray them (most of us have experienced that :/) … but really what's friendship how can you feel it what's a real friend …

First of all « Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another 'What ! You too ? I thought I was the only one » (for me is when you don't say "sorry i farted :p") in other word start with a commune thing between those two persons share the same passion same love for something … with this small act you have gained a friend a person in your life (that's good right :) ) .

Those relations for most people bring affection, loyalty, love, respect, and trust. These feelings , emotions must stay intact as they are between both part to have it last forever, by time the link will get stronger and then that someone will knows you better than yourself and takes a position in your best interests in a crisis because when the friendship become true you can rely on that person like 10000% and he will never fail you in time of need.

Friendship can mean different things to all kind of people. For some of them it is simply the trust that someone will not hurt you or it might be unlimited love or just not being alone. Whatever your own definition is, friendship is often considered as a mutual and agreeable relationship between two individuals, as it has been said that a person who finds a true friend has found a priceless treasure.

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