What you Shouldn't tell you Woman

Debate on sexual topics with your partner is a good thing, because the mistake that bother you identify things can go back and better than the previous level, but there are things that can break a woman's heart and flips it upside down, including these three:

1 - Have you ever tested? I'm afraid you to be infected with sexually transmitted diseases!

These sentences ousted much dignity of women. If you fear yourself from diseases, there are several ways to say that, for example, to ask your partner the new accompaniment to the clinic because you fear that there will be health problems of this kind, and suggested it amicably if they are well interested in this subject to do the test with you, for sure you will get any opposition and scratch the dignity.

2 - There's something strange would like to try with you!

Once you hear this sentence women to be ready to hear the things I do not think that you may like it, demand will make them wrestle questions in her head. If you want to try a new or strange things it, you may want to tell her and explain it that it's safe and will not cause any problems and do not try to force them to do things that had not been approved, because you will lose her confidence and her trust in you.

3 - It was supposed to be a good as I expected!

This sentence is the death of women's psyche, in this case Say welcome to frustration and decreased libido. If you are trying to address sexual is bothering you can explain it in more gentleness and it certainly will fix its mistakes.

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