we all miss that person badly ... and this is when you know that you miss him pretty bad :(

The death of a family member or close to you is one of the most traumatic events that are difficult to overcome, but this remains the law of life and no one can escape it, here's four ways that will prove to you he's someone you won't easily forget.

           Dream Tags:
Dreaming about one of your family members or someone close to you, This is a clear message that you do not understand that he's just with you in your dreams, and trying to communicate with you to soothe the pain that is inside you and sometimes, guides you and protect you.

           Feel his presence or smell he's perfume:
sometimes you feel a familiar touch or a smell he's own perfume in the deferral, it indicates that someone is very dear to your heart.

           Hear his voice:
Hear the voice of a dead person remains a strange experience, or we can say scary even if that person is very close your heart. This phenomenon is called "clairaudience" which is common to some extent.

           Things change places:
Sometimes things get lost from their places even though we made sure to put them in that place, in fact, this phenomenon is that the deceased is trying to give you an indication his presence.

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